Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Drupal - Next step for SEO

SEO Tips Secret Tricks Drupal SEO
Drupal, is the open source CMS for creating fully functional, highly dynamic websites. Drupal has many features and options which you don't find in Wordpress.

By default, Drupal does have some SEO deficiencies such as a lack of support for META tags and SEO friendly URL structures and more.But SEO: Drupal 5 - Creating Search Engine Friendly URL help SEO to configure Drupal site to solve the problem of the unfriendly SEO URL that Drupal incorporates by default and also avoid any duplicate content penalties.

There are many reasons why a SEO should seriously be considering Drupal for his/her SEO based Web development projects. Read 10 Reasons to Use Drupal to know Drupal advantages.

Its true that Drupal is more complex then Wordpress. Many people believe Drupal requires specialized programmers. But there is an excellent book, Pro Drupal Development which help you to become truly proficient in Drupal.